11 October 2009

Sick day...

Well here I am laying around with nothing to do...Matt told me to stay home cuz I was pretty sick last night and I'm still not feeling good this morning. Just a cold, nothing to freak out about. I love how when you are newly married, every time you say you aren't feeling good someone thinks you are pregnant! haha! NO I'M NOT PREGNANT and I don't plan on being pregnant for a while. I am so not ready for kids yet, financially and mentally. I enjoy it just being me, Matt, and Chico.

Anyways, this week has been so hectic. Between work at Ruby Tuesday and at Rhema Day Care, I hardly saw Matt at all. I'm glad we work together at Ruby's or else we wouldn't have seen each other. So to make up for lost time, tonight is date night. I'm surprising him with a nice dinner at Oliveto (shhh people don't tell him)...we're gonna get all dressed up, it's gonna be fun. :) For everyone who doesn't know how our date night works, we take turns choosing what we do Sunday nights. I'm a little bummed though because since I couldn't work today he is covering some of my shift which means he won't get off until around 8 tonight. :( Oh well, it gives me some time to get really cute. Oh make up, you are my best friend.


Dawn said...

ohhh your date sounds like fun! Is Oliveto good? Ive always wanted to try that place!

Mrs. Westmoreland said...

it's amazing and isn't too expensive.