07 October 2009

First Day at Rhema Day Care

Well I just got done with my first day at Rhema Day Care. It was sooooo much fun! Whoever came up with the term "Terrible Twos" was right and wrong lol. I worked with the two year olds today and they were absolutely adorable. I mean of course there was crying, and screaming, and hitting, and biting galore, but at times they were just the most adorable things ever.

It was Reese's birthday today. She turned 2. Man I think she was my favorite. Either her or Kylie. Towards the end of my day, Andrew stole my heart. He cried all day...we think it has something to do with his home life...but when it came to nap time, I rocked him to sleep, and he fell asleep in my arms. *sigh* I wanted to take him home lol.

Well, time to spend some quality time with the hubby. Love you all.
