15 March 2010


Ok it has been soooo long since I posted on here. The big news in my life is I start cosmetology school tomorrow morning! I am so excited. Honestly I haven't been this excited about anything in a long time (besides my wedding). I am finally starting a career and getting out of dead end jobs. I get so tired of waiting tables and having people look at me like I am a slave. I'm not your slave just because I bring you food and drink!! After this weekend (in which I worked a lot!) I have decided that we need to offer a restaurant etiquette course in high school!! People are so rude to their server it's ridiculous! In this course they need to teach how to treat your server as well as how to TIP your server. No, 10% is not a high tip and I don't get excited when I see it. Actually I get really ticked and want to go back to you, give you the money, and say, "I think you need this more than I do." That is how mad it makes me. I have to tip out 2% of my earnings (that means out of my pocket) to each host or QSS (bus boy/girl) that was on that night. So most of the time I am tipping out 6% of my earnings.

Anyways, enough ranting about work. SCHOOL IN THE MORNING!! So I need to go get some house work done so I don't feel so lazy when I get home from school.
